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Get Sleep Apnea Under Control When You Follow This Advice

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Posted on: 06/20/22

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you know that it is a robber of rest and a destroyer of health. If you want stay fit and active, it is critical that you get sufficient amounts of rest. Luckily, there are many ways to treat sleep apnea. This article can provide you with important information when dealing with sleep apnea.

For people who are using a CPAP machine, you need to take notes to give to your doctor. If you experience any symptoms, like snoring, that were eliminated when you started using the CPAP machine and they come back, you need to let your doctor know. Only your doctor can properly assess any problems.

You must be careful not to use sedating medications if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Anything that sedates you will slow down your breathing, especially when you go to sleep. When you are sedated by medication, your throat muscles will relax and collapse more quickly as you sleep.

You really need to do your best to lose weight if you have sleep apnea. Those who have sleep apnea typically have a neck circumference of 17 inches or more. This excess weight around the throat causes the airway to collapse more easily during sleep. Reducing your weight by even ten pounds can have a beneficial impact on your sleep apnea.

Going to sleep on your side may be beneficial. Some sleep apnea patients lay on their backs. If you sleep on your back, you can cause your throat and mouth tissues to block the airways. Sleeping on your side makes breathing significantly easier. Prop pillows on one side to prevent you from rolling on your back while sleeping.

If you think that you may have sleep apnea, set up a video of yourself as you sleep. Just be sure that the video recorder has sound capability. When you wake up, look at the video, and if it seems like something other than snoring is going on, it may be time to go to the doctor.

Avoid any type of drugs or alcohol if you are experiencing any type of sleep apnea. Drugs and alcohol will slow down your respiratory system, and that is known to be one of the causes of sleep apnea. If you are struggling with this issue, try to get some professional help to overcome these addictions.


One of the reasons many people suffer from sleep apnea is because they are carrying excessive weight. If this happens to be the problem then anyone dealing with sleep apnea should immediately shed this weight. A logical weight loss program that includes a restrictive, yet healthy diet together with a sensible exercise routine is necessary. Cutting out white carbs such as white rice, pasta and sugar is one step that many people use to lose weight.

Do throat and tongue exercises daily to reduce your apnea symptoms. The results of recent research suggest that jaw exercise, and tongue exercises can greatly reduce the presence of sleep apnea symptoms. Doing just a few of these exercises every day can help you get a good night of rest.

Exercise your throat. Make faces. Stick out your tongue. Rotate your jaw. It might feel a bit silly, but it can actually help people who suffer from sleep apnea. Doing these things exercises the muscles your body needs to moderate its breathing. Studies have shown that doing these exercises a few times a day can make a huge difference.

As you can now see, there are effective methods for handling sleep apnea. Use the suggestions and information from the above article, and you can get the sleep that you have been deprived of. When your quality of sleep changes from negative to positive, everything else in your life will follow suit.

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